These Jack Russell pups are available. Born 3/15/23.
Call 607-226-1695 or email us to reserve yours now!
These puppies were born on 9/17/19:
These puppies were born in March 2019.
These are from the litter of Parson Jack Russells born on 3/5/17. There are five boys and three girls in this litter:
These puppies are from Heidi’s litter of 3 male and 3 female pups:
These puppies were born on 1/11/16:
These are Parson Jack Russell puppies. They were born on 11/17/15:
These are puppies that were born in September 2015:
These pups were born in November 2014:
These are the puppies that were born in August 2014:
This was our litter born on December 24, 2013:
These puppies are from January 2013:
These puppies were born in November 2012:
These puppies were born on 9/17/11:
Mr. Beekman is a six-week-old smooth coat long-legged Jack Russell. He is full of life and will make a perfect family pet. He is spunky and mischievous but very very affectionate. He will fill any home with love and laughter: